Adam Jacques

Software Engineer + Product Development

Blog Posts

I occasionally write blog posts where I talk about software, hardware, or even plants that I'm working on.

Recent Posts

Solving for bank transfers using Pandas

Previously in Part 1, I talked about how to clean-up the transaction data from Mint to remove duplicates and add any missing transactions. Solving for transfers The next phase is to solve for the transfer pairs. A transfer pair is defined with a matching credit and debit transaction on two different accounts. In Firefly, a transfer is treated separately than a credit/debit because it’s excluded from the expense and income reports.

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My new Framework laptop

I was recently in the market for a new personal-use laptop and wanted to try out a Framework Laptop. I was intrigued by the idea of being able to replace any part that failed or even upgrade parts as I went. I also was frustrated with the direction that Windows 10 and Windows 11 was going. They seemed more interested in advertising, tracking, sending notifications to increase my engagement of their apps, then just building an operating system that got out of my way and let me do my thing.

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Importing and cleaning Mint transactions

Since Intuit announced that Mint was going away, I’ve spent several months investigating how to import my Mint data into Firefly-iii, an open source, self-hosted budgeting software. It seemed like a perfect fit. I would fully own the data and get to build whatever tooling I want on top. However, before we can get there, we need to have cleaned and accurate data from Mint. As it turns out, Mint’s data actually had some errors in it that required me to go back years and fix them.

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